Land Clearing

How Can We Help You?


If you have land that needs cleared, Melbourne Tree Experts is the company to call.
We can clear land for landscaping, bushfire risk management, building projects, hazard minimisation or future subdivision of property.
Melbourne Tree Experts offer a prompt, professional service for all your land clearing requirements, in both residential and business capacity. With many years of experience, we have the skills to make your land clearing plans a reality. We possess all the equipment required for a professional job and will leave no stone unturned to ensure that you are glad you hired us.
Government approval is necessary to carry out land clearing. The process may be complicated, as it is necessary to perform the clearance without affecting wildlife in the nearby area or the local environment.


To Increase the Utility of the Land

Land free of overgrowth and old or diseased trees can be used much more freely than land that possesses such obstructions. By clearing such overgrowth away, we can enable the owner to enjoy the full benefits of ownership, without being hampered.

To Make the Land Safer

Old, decaying trees with rotten branches that are in imminent danger of falling pose a hazard to anyone venturing near them on a property. Removing such hazards is a smart and responsible act which ensures not only your own safety, but the safety of anyone else who visits your property.

To Inhibit the Spread of Disease

A number of diseases can affect plants and trees in Florida, among them Cypress canker, root rot, peacock spot, pink disease and Myrtle rust. If any such diseases appear on the trees or plants on your property, clearing the land can prevent its further spread and help ensure the health of any plant or tree growth in the years to come.

To Proactively Prevent the Spread of Fire by Creating a Firebreak

With global warming posing, the risk of wildfires breaking out in Florida has never been greater. If dry wood or undergrowth currently litters your property, clearing it away is a responsible way to reduce the possibility of a fire spreading across your property and possibly farther afield. By clearing your land, you’re not only reducing the risk of suffering a ravaging wildfire yourself, but also being a good and thoughtful neighbour.

To Enable Plants and Trees to Grow More Easily

Removing dead trees and plants that litter your property enables fresh light to reach other trees and plants that might have formerly been obstructed from the sun. This helps them flourish and grow more easily.

To Increase Soil Health

Overgrown trees and plants can increase the growth of weeds and other unpleasant plants. It can also cause the soil to erode. Land clearing can increase the vitality of the soil, as it is then more evenly distributed.

To Reduce the Chance of Fire Breaking Out

The risk of fire is greater when a property possesses overgrown vegetation or old, dry trees or branches. Land clearing removes such fire hazards, reducing the risk of fire damage to both your property and that of your neighbours.

To Minimise Pests

Areas with many plants and/or trees offer a good haven for pests, letting them thrive and increase in population. Land clearing will remove such potential homes for unwanted parasites, reducing the chances of nearby buildings becoming infested.

To Make the Land More Aesthetically Pleasing

Properties free of dying trees and plants offer a more pleasant vista for both the property owner and any visitors to the property. A clear plot is a relaxing and pleasing plot.

To Increase the Land Value

Cleared land is often more visually appealing than land cluttered with dying plants or trees. This can increase the value of the land and also improve the chances of successfully selling it in the future.

To Protect Structures on the land from Potential Hazards

Old trees in proximity to buildings on the property can pose a threat from toppling over and falling branches. Removing such trees before they fall or drop branches can prevent expensive and hazardous damage from occurring in the future.